Sunday 19 March 2017

The Cake Problem

You're sitting on a couch. You've retired for the day. It's pleasantly warm, though you can hear the gentle patter of the rain falling onto the roof. There are no worries; no thoughts plaguing you, save one:

There is a piece of cake lying on the coffee table in front of you. It appears to be every bit of the type of cake you'd want to devour. But there's something stopping you from eating that cake. It may be because you're too full, or maybe you're craving for something else. Maybe you're just tired of cakes altogether. But the fact remains that you don't want to eat it at the moment.

You don't know what will happen if you go against all instincts and eat that cake. It may end up being tasteless. You may regret ever eating it in the first place. It might cause you to gain an unnecessary pound without giving you the promised satisfaction in return. On the other hand, it might end up being the most delicious cake you've ever had in your life. You don't know what will happen if you choose to eat that cake.

But what happens if you choose to just leave it there? This one is a little more predictable. The longer you leave it there, the likelihood of it disappearing increases exponentially. Whether into the mouth of another, or through Mother Nature's deviousness, you will eventually be robbed of that cake.

What do you do?