Friday 22 July 2016


I just came across this post by Collective Evolution while I was on Facebook. Yes, I was wasting my time.

Psychedelic Honey

Anyway, it got me thinking about all these substances that supposedly cause hallucinations. I've always wanted to try to experience one. Unfortunately though, I've yet to find a method to induce hallucination that isn't illegal, extremely rare and costly, or extremely toxic.

It's really fascinating to think about though. What exactly happens? Do we suddenly start seeing things that aren't there? Or are we transformed into some other dimension? Is it similar to having a really lucid dream? Or maybe for a small period of time, our eyes are really opened and we see the world for what it really is?

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Popcorn anyone?

I think that the most unappreciated thing in this world are the movie credits that roll at the end of most films. I mean, who in this world stays after a film to watch some random dudes names just roll up the screen? Even if the aforementioned "random dudes" were in fact the ones who've created the movie you just enjoyed (or slept through).

Well, for me, the only film credits that I've stayed to watch are those of The Deathly Hallows Part II. But I admit, I was just being nostalgic about my childhood ending..... Anyway, I digress. Back to the point, who really wants to watch film credits? Have the film producers noticed this? How could they not? Maybe that's why some films have credits at the beginning of the film as well. 

I think that the other members involved in the making of the films, I mean those besides actors and producers and directors, might actually eagerly anticipate the credits. For example, a makeup artist. I mean, sure, she/he would be able to actually see the makeup on the characters of the film, but I'm sure there's nothing like seeing your name roll up on the screen. I mean, I would wait eagerly, and sit through the entire film just to watch my name just roll up the screen. I mean, that's the best part about the film, right? Seeing your name in it (or face).

All Mixed-up Inside

I get very emotional when the topic of God comes up. Recently, that's all everyone seems to be talking about. It's either religion or spirituality. Both of them seem to be at war with each other. Why? Everyone is just doing the best they can to make sense of their own world. But how can they do that? That's where the problem arises.

Spirituality is both the oldest and the newest concept. It has always been ingrained in mankind since the dawn of time. It was from spirituality that Religion was born. The difference between the two titans is the same as the difference between morality and law. Neither one is absolutely right or absolutely wrong. It's just that one is firm, and the other is flexible. In other words, religion is set in stone, while spirituality is fluid. 

But the problem is, religion is often misrepresented. I mean, something that's has been going on for thousands of years, spreading through either word of mouth or through editable literature. To make matters worse, there seems to be a spouting of certain irrational beliefs about the Word of God which haven't seem to have been written on aforementioned religious scriptures. 

It all comes back to perception. We should all have an inner sense of what's right or wrong, right? Wrong! We've all studied our history. We've all laughed at our ancestors' mistakes, and their silly beliefs and customs. We've all shaken our heads at their pointless wars over religion and money and power, all the while believing that we could've done everything so much better. How do we know that in 50 years, our great grandchildren wouldn't point their fingers at out, hysterically laughing, while we shamelessly defend our actions. After all, we did what we thought was right, didn't we?

I believed that I could change all of this. If only people would just listen to me. If only they'd all just mind their own business, instead of prying into other peoples'. If only everyone would just stop hurting other people, and instead just live their lives as well as they could without harming others in the process. I mean, that seems so simple. It's the perfect solution. And then I realised that I was doing the exact same thing that everyone I'd despised was doing. Believing in something and trying to mould everyone else's beliefs to suit mine. 

Everyone's just doing the best that they can, in order to make sense of this world. There's no right or wrong answer. Life isn't so simple. If it was, we'd just find a way to make it more complicated. Religion was an approach to simplify Spirituality. In doing so, it made it God a much more complicated concept.